3-day course on DevOps automation

2020-11-26 Reading time: 1 minute

Tech is changing way faster than I thought and I'm lagging behind. Well, actually not that badly thanks to this course 😅

It was a massive amount of knowledge that Andrey Adamovich shared with us within 3 days. I alone could have figured it out maybe in a year, if at all. Nice intro into the cloud platforms. Even though I don't need it right away, doesn't mean I never need it.

We played mostly with Terraform, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, and related tools. Most of those tools work best with cloud providers - for my own work I can definitely use Ansible and Docker.

You can accomplish so much with declarative scripting nowadays or infrastructure-as-code as they call it. In some cases, you'll just write: "Give me two medium Ubuntus with a load balancer, install Java on them, and then execute my application." And in less than a minute, you have public IP to your app. Dayum! Except you have to translate this sentence into YAML. Hey, what if you teach GPT-3 to do it?

Now I just need to apply this stuff at work...